Development of SC dominated
villages into “Adarsh Gram”

An ‘Adarsh Gram’ is one wherein people have access to various basic services so that the minimum needs of all the sections of the society are fully met and disparities are reduced to a minimum. These villages would have all such infrastructure facilities and its residents will have access to all such basic services that are necessary for a dignified living, creating thereby an environment in which everyone is enabled to utilize his/her potential to the fullest.

Grants-in-aid to State/Districts

The main objectives of this component are:
i) To increase the income of the target population by way of comprehensive livelihood projects.
ii) Improve socio-economic developmental indicators by ensuring adequate infrastructure in the SC dominated villages.
iii) Increase literacy and encourage enrolment of SCs in schools by providing residential schools where required.

Construction/Repair of Hostels

The construction of hostels is one of the means to enable and encourage students belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC) to attain quality education. Such hostels are immensely beneficial to the students hailing from rural and remote areas of the country. While the component of construction of hostels for SC girls is in operation from the Third Five Year Plan (1961-66), the same for boys was started with effect from the year 1989-90.

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Proposals by States/Districts
Proposals by State Institutes/Universities
Proposals by Central Institutes/Universities
Adarsh Gram Under PM-AJAY


No. of Beneficiaries Covered


No. of Works Completed


No. of VDP Generated


Adarsh Gram Declared


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